Learn Tajweed and Quraan Free

Learn Tajweed and Quraan Free
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Tuesday 1 July 2014


when you see English word ,Read”aa” as you read in father and “oo” as you read in “food” and “ee” as you read in deep ,keen etc  ,For sign “_ “or”, “-”follow the Tajweed rule
fatha (zabar) stands for short (a), This vowel is pronounced as “a” in “apple” 
kasrah (zer) stands for short (i), This vowel is pronounced as “i” in “tin”
dhammah (pesh) stands for short (u), This vowel is pronounced as “u” in “pull”
"Noon" with Sookun (jazm) which produces "N" sound.thus"Noon" is not written but it is pronounced in tanween.
“ =hamza sign and ‘= ayn sign, read (“u) as you read  “u” in the word out,bounce,around] and [read (y*) to (i) as you read (i) in word (miser) {two (y*) is for Ghunnah} (read y as usual like yahoo),
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Example Of Step 10 Important Note and Step 11 punctuation or waqf (stop)

Until you do not learn the previous step do not begin the next one
Harkat are fatha (zabar), kasra (zer) ,dhamma (pesh).

Alphabet which has jazm( sukoon )is called sakin.

Waqf(stop)=if you stop in between reading,either verse(ayat) finish or not then it is called “waqf”

If the last Alphabet of the word has fatha (zabar), kasra (zer) ,dhamma (pesh) , kasratayn (two zer) , dhammatayn (two pesh) , standing kasra ( karri zer ),upside down dhamma (inversion pesh) (ulti pesh) ,then change it to jazm(sukoon) at the time of waqf.

Change   to haa sakin.

If last Alphabet of the word has Fathatayn (two zabar) then change it to one fatha (zabar) and add Alif, so need to stretch in reading at the time of waqf.but in this example alif is already present after two zabar so do not add alif.read as stretch as you read “alif maddah”

Hisaabaa , ”atraabaa , maaaa”aa

If the last Alphabet has round taa OR having harkat or tanween on it,change or read taa to haa sakin (having jazm) and do not read harkat or tanween on it at the time of waqf.

If the last Alphabet has Sakin (alphabet having jazm) then read as it is ,no change at the time of waqf.

If the last Alphabet has ‘karri zabar’,“Alphabet  maddah”.means read as in stretch so There is no change,read as it is at time of waqf.

If the last alphabet has Shaddah(Shad)(Tashdeed) then tashdeed is present but do not say Harkat(Last alphabet of the word) at the time of waqf.

If  ‘Alphabet  maddah’ or ‘alphabet leen’ come before the last alphabet then stretch at the time of waqf(stop).(please see the madd post)

If the last alphabet has tashdeed , we do not read harkat on last alphabet at waqf (stop), If the last alphabet is Meem or Noon Mushadad then Stop with no Harakah and Make Ghunnah for 2 beats and Stop with Strong Qalqala when last alphabet has qulqalah having tashdeed like tabba to tabb (see step qalqalah ) else other than meem,noon,qalqalah having tashdeed then Stop with a Sukoon on Both Identical Letters with a small Jerk (Nabr) in the reader’s voice[][‘aduww].

6) The Noon-e-Qutni is a small Noon with a Kasrah that appears in between some verses/sentences. The function of this Noon is to join two sentences during recitation. If one does not intend joining then this Noon will have no function. Thus, there are two ways of reciting those verses where this Noon appears, viz.

a) By joining the two verses

b) By not joining the two verses (i.e. making Waqf).

Therefore, if one intends joining the two verses, the Noon-e-Qutni must be pronounced (with a Kasrah), and if one does not intend joining the two verses then the Noon-e-Qutni must not be pronounced and instead the Alif on top of (or sometimes after) the Noon- e-Qutni should be pronounced below.

If you do not stop in verse then read as lumazati nillazhee

If you stop in verse then read as lumazah allazhee

When you see the word as-sajdah written on circle  sigh  Finish the ayat and do sajda, there are fourteen place in qur’an where a sajdah is due.

When you see both sign &      at a time .like this  you need to stop.

Whenever a laam is joined (and alone also) it turns to the left,whereas an Alif, when joined, it always turn to the right.

The Laam will always have a small ‘tail’ after it whereas the Alif will not have that small “tail”.

The Laam will be joined to the letter after it whereas the Alif will not be joined to the letter after it.

There is big difference between (Ba),(Baa) and (Ba”)

Noon sakin and tanween have the same sound.

minash shay*taan ,’il leeyoon

When a madd is followed by sakin or mushaddad aplphabet ,then the madd should be the 1st stretched for it’s duration before the tashdeed or sakin is pronounced.

As a general law,whenever a tashdeed comes after a sukoon,then do not pronounce the sukoon.other world skip the sakin alphabet and go straight to the Mushaddad alphabet example

Qat tabay* yana=Qattabay*yana,  miww waali=miwwwaali(id-ghaam)

(For more go to Step 10 Important Note & its Example's , Step 11 punctuation or waqf(stop))

Example Of Step 1 Arbi Alphabet

Until you do not learn the previous step do not begin the next one
when you see English word ,Read”aa” as you read in father and “oo” as you read in “food” and “ee” as you read in deep ,keen etc  ,For sign “_ “or”, “-”follow the Tajweed rule
fatha (zabar) stands for short (a), This vowel is pronounced as “a” in “apple” 
kasrah (zer) stands for short (i), This vowel is pronounced as “i” in “tin”
dhammah (pesh) stands for short (u), This vowel is pronounced as “u” in “pull”
"Noon" with Sookun (jazm) which produces "N" sound.thus"Noon" is not written but it is pronounced in tanween.
“ =hamza sign and ‘= ayn sign, read (“u) as you read  “u” in the word out,bounce,around] and [read (y*) to (i) as you read (i) in word (miser) {two (y*) is for Ghunnah} (read y as usual like yahoo),
Ghunnah=sound comes out from the nose.
Madd means It is to stretch or to prolong(Elongation)
There are 29  letters in Arabic alphabets  which all  are consonants but  ( letter alif, waw and Ya) are used as  long vowels or diphthongs(2 vowels) and also play a role as weak consonants. The vowels helps us to join consonant so a full sound can be achieved.
 Latin script,  such as English letter, is written from left to right whereas Arabic is written from   right to left.
. To read Arabic you have to develop a habit of reading Arabic from right to left.
(a Strong sound from the throat-stronger than )
(a Strong sound from the throat-stronger than)
(stronger than the sound of the)
Throat alphabet (more go to step 1)
some image is very huge size like 1024x2500(step 11) 700x1400(step 1) or 1024x768(step 4) and other steps too,user switch to pc or laptop(not for mobile user to view)